Holst and Poulenc Newsletter No 5 - 2024 Big Sing

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Mike Elcock
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 16 Jul 2024
Reply to Jos Gregson,
18 Willoughby Close,
Bristol BS35 3RW
Tel: 01454-411652
Email: josgregson@gmail.com
SCBSG Website: www.bigsing.org

Dear Singer,
                        Sadly the concert is now over but it has left me with musical phrases running through my head which will take months to dissipate.
                        I am writing this listening to the 1962 Adrian Boult recording of the Hymn of Jesus with the BBC SO and Chorus, I think we were much better though the recording quality obviously does affect the Boult.

My thanks of course to Adrian, without him the whole idea of the South Cotswold Big Sing Group would not function and his close ties with Gloucester Cathedral are enormously helpful, also his intimate knowledge of how to use the space to the best effect. He was, as ever, endlessly patient with the less experienced singers, our rehearsal conductors Chris and Steve did a fantastic job with giving the two choirs a good grounding in how the pieces worked, ably supported at the piano by Derek, Julian, Robin and Jonathan.
The Gloucester Cathedral choristers were quite superb and thanks to Nia for rehearsing them and to Helena for making sure all the scores came back, well done.
On the SCBSG side my thanks to Alison, my Vice-Chairman who manages to keep me well grounded when things start falling apart. David Joyce, our Concert Manager really has a thankless task in drawing up numerous layouts which are constantly having to be modified to suit singers individual problems or the sound that we make. Sadly David is standing down after managing 6 concerts for us but I am delighted that Trevor Bartlett of Wycliffe will take over the role. Mike Elcock also deserves special thanks for setting up the SCBSG website which is now working well after the odd hiccup which he has satisfactorily resolved. Our SCBSG Secretary Naomi was not singing in the concert unfortunately due to other commitments but has worked hard on making sure that all the agreements with the Festival are correctly worded and sorting out my sometimes confused drafts.
Thornbury Choral Society members have been particularly helpful including Margaret, our bus monitor, Mary, Annis, Lyn and the whole team who put out programmes before the concert.
Thanks to Wycliffe Choral Society for the loan of folders and to Rosemary for arranging that, also to Lyn for shifting several boxes of Thornbury’s folders.
The main thanks are due to all you singers who took part, coping with a demanding rehearsal schedule and managing to get to rehearsals. Thank you all so much.
Finally, my gratitude for a very generous gift given to me at our last rehearsal at St John’s Northgate, I will spend it wisely!

If anyone came away with a dark blue blazer with a red silk lining can they let me know. Thanks.

There was a review of the concert on Bachtrack which was very complimentary. It may be viewed at:- https://bachtrack.com/review-partington-holst-royal-liverpool-philharmonic-cheltenham-music-festival-gloucester-july-2024

The next concert will consist of the huge Berlioz Te Deum in the second half, this lasts nearly an hour. The first half consists of a Mass written jointly by Gabriel Fauré and André Messager called Messe des Pêcheurs de Villerville for women’s voices and the sublime Brahms Alto Rhapsody for men’s voices where we are hoping for a top mezzo soprano to take the solo. This concert will be on Saturday 5th July 2025 in Gloucester Cathedral and rehearsals will start on June 10th. I have worked out the rehearsal schedule but it needs confirming by Adrian and our rehearsal conductors Chris and Steven before it is posted on the website.

All being well with the Crypt School we plan to hold a Workshop on all three works there on Saturday 26th April 2025. In the morning Adrian will take the ladies through the Fauré/Messager Mass in the main auditorium while a second conductor takes the men through the Brahms in the Drama Studio, we will then go through the Berlioz Te Deum either later in the morning or in the afternoon.

If anyone has photographs of the day that they are happy to have posted on the website could they send them to Mike Elcock, mdelcock@gmail.com

Although these comments are largely addressed to the Chairman they do of course refer to all who were involved and helped to make the event a success.
  • Still on a high this morning. It was great wasn't it. Fabulous bit of arranging Mr Chairman. I bow to you.  Enjoy the rest of the festival. (LS)
  • Congratulations on another brilliant success again! An excellent day! Well done! (AM)
  • I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the incredible organisation you did for last night's performance. I think we all really enjoyed it and I hope it was up to Adrian's expectations. (AS)
  • It was a fantastic experience from which I am still buzzing. Would you also pass my thanks to David and the rest of the team but especially Choir 2 members for their understanding during my first attempt at "managing" at a concert!! (TB)
  • I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work, supported by your committee that ensured a really enjoyable and exciting singing experience last night, at Gloucester Cathedral.(HH)
  • I know you have been properly and publicly thanked but I wanted to add an extra personal thank you.
  •  I can only begin to imagine the many hours, the background thought,  planning and the commitment which went into enabling such a tremendously well organised event as last night’s wonderful Concert to take place. You have given a thrilling opportunity to so many people so a HUGE thank you.(AB)
  • Congratulations on your success and organisation for last night's performance!!.  
  • Such a joyful concert - Gustav Holst at his absolute best! His truest masterpiece. You achieved an excellent concert for the festival.  There were many other highlights. Poulenc's Gloria! It was so dramatic and the solo, Samantha Clarke has an amazing voice - her performance was very moving!
  •  Thank you too for all the hard work you put in with the helpful "Event calendar" with dates of rehearsals, the song library with track recordings; I found  this helpful and the newsletters keeping everyone well informed.  
  • Adrian was so articulate, as I watched him, it helped me a great deal with the words and the timing.  He deserves more recognition. I felt we all (including the orchestra & cathedral choir) deserved a standing ovation. (CT)
  • Many congratulations on a wonderful concert on Friday, Jos. By a sheer fluke, I was in the Cathedral on Friday at lunchtime with my niece who is visiting from California.  I saw that the SCCG concert was on that evening and asked her if she would like to go.  She was delighted to have the opportunity to attend a concert in the cathedral and we managed to book two tickets in row D! We both thoroughly enjoyed the concert.  Thank you! (CB)
  • What a night! Absolutely fantastic performance by all and Adrian was magnificent in front of such a professional orchestra - not just in the performance itself, but also in the time-restricted rehearsal.
  • Your own efforts didn’t go unnoticed neither. Your hard work and preparation is what makes these events successful and I’m sure has been appreciated by all involved. (PH)
  • Thanks for all your hard work in making the whole event run so smoothly. I was fortunate to be placed right behind the orchestra and it was an awesome sound! I really enjoyed being part of the concert. (JD)
  • A big thank you for all you did to make Friday's concert happen. I thought it went well as I hope you and Adrian did, and the audience clearly loved it. (CS)
  • I thoroughly enjoyed singing with the choir. It was a really brilliant concert, and a great project to be a part of. (WR)
  • Thank you so so much for giving us all the opportunity to sing this wonderful music in this wonderful place. (TS)
Jos Gregson

Chairman, South Cotswold Big Sing Group